Sunday, March 28, 2010

Odd Places For A Nap

The fridge seems to be the 'cool' place to settle in for a nap.

Although the kitchen cupboard is a close second.

Those Happy Meal prizes keep getting weirder.

Isabella curls up with the toilet paper roll.

Manea has decided the ferret cage is quite long as you can stand the stench!

Manea and Ferretpants have discovered the perfect napping spot...the jean drawer!

The desk cubby on a pile of mail...ideal!

I can understand the appeal of a pile of laundry straight out of the dryer...
but the empty laundry basket? Is that really comfortable, Trixie?

Honestly?!? I don't know WHAT to say about this one! Lol!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

I just can't say no....

I simply cannot turn away an abandoned kitty. I'm the kind of person who wants to take home every collar-less kitty I see outside because I believe no cat should have to live in the elements. Just the other day, my fiance and I were getting on the thruway and he pointed out a black cat in the grass a few yards from the on-ramp. I yelled at him to pull over and he looked at me like I was nuts. Pull over? Right here, in the middle of the thruway? What are you going to do?

So I didn't end up rescuing that kitty, though I was terrified that it would get hit by a car. I hope it found safety. Fingers crossed!

Anyway, so I can't turn a cat away. Even if I am so overwhelmed with cats that I'm tripping over one every time I take a step in my house. Even if we go through so much cat litter already that I need to put out five garbage cans every week. The neighbors must think we're out of our minds.

Well, maybe I am.

My friend calls me five minutes after I drop her off at her house.

There's a cat in my driveway, coming right up to me. Looks very dirty and boney, but is very friendly. What should we do?

I'll be right back over.

Sure enough, the cat is all black fur stretched over jutting bones. Scabby skin, thinning fur, saggy belly. Definitely a male. So hungry he can't resist the dog treats (the only thing I have in the car at the time) I use to lure him over to us. We get him in the car, I give him some dog food (again, the only thing I have in the car) which he chows down as if he hasn't eaten in days.

And off to Haven House we go. Luckily I have one cage left available for him. I treat him for fleas and mites, give him some dewormer (which he hates me for) and get him settled in with some blankets, food, water, and a litter box.

We're gonna call him Edson, after the street we found him on.

So easily amused...

"Look guys! Mom bought us a new toy!"

Misty tries to catch the feather.

Simba is loving this new gadget!

Simba, Jewel and Reese ponder over the strange buzzing of this mysterious new toy.

Adopt a Shelter Cat

Many of our cats come from shelters in the South where they are at risk of euthanization.

Shelby County Animal Shelter is one shelter we frequently work with and assist with transporting animals to rescues along the east coast. They do wonderful things for animals and save so many lives, but they are often overrun with animals. Unfortunately when this happens and animals sit for months in the shelter, unadopted, they have to decide who will be put to sleep because they need to make room for incoming animals. They are currently overrun with cats, filled to capacity. In order to avoid the euthanization of healthy animals, these cats need to be adopted or accepted into rescues, like our own.

Please take a few minutes to view the cats they currently have at the shelter. If you are looking to adopt and find a kitty on their site, we can arrange transport. If you are unable to adopt at this time, please consider sponsoring a kitty who can then be brought to Haven House. Your donations make rescue possible.

Shelby County Animal Shelter