I have a confession to make: when I get bored I scan Craigslist for animals to save, furniture to buy, and free stuff to sweep up. So I was bored last night and found myself on the free section of Craigslist when I came across a post for a "Free Cat". This kind of post title always makes me cringe. I mean, think of all the idiots who might sweep this free animal up for God knows what reason. This poor creature is at the mercy of owners who don't give a damn who takes the cat; if they did care, this cat wouldn't be free. So I click on the title and open the post.
In short, the post says this: "I have a 1 1/2 year old un-neutered male cat, it was a friend's cat but he dumped him on me when he lost his job, can't keep the cat anymore, my friend said he's help with food and litter but he hasn't and I am going to put the cat in a cardboard box and leave him on the steps of the SPCA if someone does not come for him by Monday morning. If they euthanize him, it will be out of my hands at that point. Call or text for pics. "
Appalled as I am, I text my rescue partner. Read this now, I tell her. Go online.
I already know I can't let this happen. Even if this person is lying to provoke pity and persuade someone to take this cat off their hands, I still feel that this person should NOT have an animal in their care. What a sick, twisted way to rehome an animal! It's apparent that they don't care who takes the cat, where he goes to live, or what happens to him, as long as the author of the post no longer has to deal with him. I text the number in the post, waiting impatiently for the Craigslist poster to reply. Yes, still have the cat, the poster answers. He's a Maine Coon.
Like Noah!!! Now I REALLY can't let this cat go.
I offer to come get him right away and they forward their address. Hey honey, we're going for a little drive! My fiance and I hop in the car and drive to the scumhole apartment building to rescue this poor kitty. He turns out to be a gorgeous guy, all gray and super sweet. His name is Gibson, The person tells me. I'm gonna miss him. Yeah, right. I don't believe a word you say.
Gibson comes home reeking of cigarette smoke and possibly some other substance. We treat him for fleas, set up a nice warm cage for him (he has to be fixed, vaccinated and tested for FIV/FeLV) and give him some canned cat food. Gibson is safe now, and my day has been worthwhile.
UPDATE: Gibson was adopted!