Sophie passed away last week from kidney failure. We didn't even know anything was wrong until two days before she passed. It was so unexpected. Sophie was the sweetest purebred Maine Coon. She was found as a stray and brought to Haven House in July. My fiance and I fell in love with her right away and were planning on keeping her. But she hid under the bed a lot and only came out to sleep with us at night. I thought maybe she was unhappy here with so many other animals to compete with. I placed her up for adoption since she was all vetted, fixed and appeared healthy. A day later she stopped eating. I tried to force feed her and gave her a variety of different canned foods to eat but she wasn't interested. The next day she went into cardiac arrest and died at the vet. I loved her and will miss her little kisses at night as she curled up onto my lap in bed. I will miss brushing her long beautiful fur each night. I will miss watching her sneak downstairs to the food dish as if she's on a secret mission. We love and miss you Sophie. Run free across the Rainbow Bridge. <3 <3