Noah came to our rescue on April 2, 2010. I received the call from the young woman saying he had followed her into her construction firm office. He was very thin, hungry, caked with concrete and had a huge growth on his side. The growth turned out to be an large abscess from a bite wound.
Noah was taken to the vet that same day, where the abscess burst in the examination room. He was rushed into surgery to drain and flush the abscess. While under the anesthesia, he was also neutered and tested for FIV/FeLV (both negative). I picked Noah up the next day, along with the medications he was prescribed and an instruction to flush out the wound several times a day.
Despite having just undergone surgery and having a tube through his side, Noah continued to be incredibly affectionate. He would climb into my arms every time I opened his cage. He did well those first two days and the tube was removed three days after the surgery.
On April 7th, I noticed Noah was sleeping a lot more and not eating as much. He also started having trouble using the litter box. On the 8th, I found out why he was missing the litter box: he couldn't stand on his hind legs very well and kept falling over. He started relieving himself on the blanket, right where he was laying. On the 10th, he stopped eating and I was on the phone scheduling an appointment with the vet again.
At the vet visit, they determined that he had a blood clot in his spine stemming from the bite wound. Noah was started on three medications to help break up the blood clot and prevent it from spreading.
Following his appointment, I kept Noah close to me during the day and let him sleep on the chaise lounge near the window. With the medications and a special diet, he seemed to improve a bit and started regaining some mobility. Sometimes he would manage to crawl off the chaise lounge and follow me around the house, stumbling. I tried to get him to walk several times a day, to use his hind legs and regain his strength. He managed to pull himself up onto the chaise lounge on the 14th, which was a huge feat for him. It was wonderful to see the progress he was making and I thought things could only get better from here.
Noah's eye got better and we were able to stop the medications. For a few weeks, things were going great and Noah was beginning to befriend some of the other cats.
Things started getting worse again towards the end of May. Noah started having frequent accidents on the carpet. He was still struggling to stand on his hind legs and stopped trying to do so. We bought him some pet diapers and took him back to the vet on June 1st. They gave him sub-q fluids, did some lab work, showed me how to empty his bladder to reduce the chance of accidents, and prescribed the last medication he would ever take, although we didn't know that at the time.

Towards the end, Noah had many more bad days than good. He slept a lot and ate very little. I had to force feed him canned food and kitten formula. He would nibble on a few bits of dry food each day, but it wasn't enough to keep his strength up.
On Noah's last night, I sat up with him as he cried in pain. He could no longer go to the bathroom and I didn't know how to help him. He wasn't eating at all and he couldn't even hold himself up with his front legs. It was then that I knew I couldn't let him him go on like this. His weakness was apparent, as was his physical agony and profound sadness. I knew I had to do something to relieve his suffering, so I gave him a dose of pain medication and promised him the struggle would be over soon.

Rest in peace, sweet Noah. You will never be forgotten.
You did all you could for Noah & then some! I wish the outcome could have been much, much different, but it was beyond your control. These animals work their way deep into our hearts & it's agonizing when we have to say goodbye. RIP little Noah.
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking this wonderful article and something different from the other.Keep in touch
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